
Everyone can shop, but we would love for you to join!

Co-op Calendar 



Snowball Drop



On the Gazebo, Old Town Eureka

Saturday Nov 26, 2016

11:30 am

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Snowball Drop

Eureka Main Street will host the 4th Annual Snowball Drop at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 26th. It’s a man-made blizzard with hundreds of snowballs gently floating down to waiting shoppers. These snowballs, which are actually ping pong balls will be fired high into the air from a “snowball cannon”. Each snowball displays a main street business name/address and ball number. The discount, gift, and or give-away is determined by the participating business. Snowballs must be redeemed at the business by December 24th. Snowball Drop participants are invited to gather on the Gazebo at 2nd & F Street to catch the snowballs as they rain down on waiting shoppers, but remember…don’t be late the blizzard starts at 11:30 a.m. sharp! This is a free family event. What a great way to start your holiday shopping!!

After the Snowball Drop, start your holiday shopping at the variety of unique locally owned small businesses in Downtown and Old Town Eureka. Santa Claus will be at the Gazebo and roaming the area searching out good girls & boys (bring your camera for photos).

Exchange your Co-op "snowball" at the Eureka customer service desk for a $10 Co-op gift card.  

Happy holidays from the businesses of Eureka Main Street!