Co-op Community | April 2016
Food Summit 2016
Food Summit 2016 was a resounding success! Thank you to our Prepared Foods Department (Deli & Bakery) for making the food for the day and our Outreach Department for coordinating and serving it! New Directions was there to help too. Feedback from participants follows two main themes: “The food was excellent!” and “The Co-op makes me proud to be a member!” Food Summit 2016 was hosted by the Humboldt Food Policy Council, of which North Coast Co-op has been an active member for many years, and falls in line with our Strategic Plan goals of Developing Our Local Foodshed. Thank you to everyone who made the event possible! Many local vendors contributed fabulous food for the day, including Alexandre Farms, Arise Bakery, Beck’s Bakery, Cypress Grove Chevre, Drake’s Glen Chocolate, Dick Taylor Craft Chocolate, Earl's Organic Produce, Little River Farms, and North Coast Co-op.
Keynote speaker and author Anna Lappé signs her books, as well as is introduced to Locally Delicious and Lunchbox Envy, two books written locally and published by North Coast Co-op.
North Coast Co-op board members Leah Stamper and Colin Fiske listen as an HSU student shares her excitement about the event and her passion for working on the food system.
More than 300 people filled the Kate Buchanan Room at HSU during Anna Lappé’s keynote speech, in which she focused on Equity, Economy and Environment in the food system.
Special thanks to the Food Summit 2016 planning committee! These Humboldt Food Policy Council members spent the better part of a year designing, coordinating, and in some cases their organizations sponsored the event.
North Coast Co-op Interim General Manager Ron Sharp artistically represents the notes captured from the break-out sessions.
North Coast Co-op Event Clerks Terren Mott and Kiya Villarreal cheerfully keep coffee, snacks, lunch and chocolate flowing.
Photos provided by Humboldt State University
This article was originally published in the April 2016 Co-op News